25 Pictures of Eels From Around the Globe
Love 'em or hate 'em — and we LOVE 'em — eels have a special fascination for divers. From the common green moray to stuff we can't even identify, eels have a way of materializing from nowhere to give a kick to any dive they're spotted on. Here for your enjoyment: A collection of eels from around the globe, shot by the members of ScubaDiving.com's Forum. (What? You're not a Forum member? Why then go here forums.scubadiving.com right now to sign up, and show us YOUR best shot!)
Love 'em or hate 'em — and we LOVE 'em — eels have a special fascination for divers. From the common green moray to stuff we can't even identify, eels have a way of materializing from nowhere to give a kick to any dive they're spotted on. Here for your enjoyment: 25 pictures of eels from around the globe, shot by the members of ScubaDiving.com's Forum. (What? You're not a Forum member? Why then go here forums.scubadiving.com right now to sign up, and show us YOUR best shot!)

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