WRECKED: Underwater Ships and Planes from the 2014 Photo Contest
Underwater wreck photos instill a sense of awe and mystery to the viewer, and they often have a strong attraction to scuba divers in particular. As we dive around and inside of a wreck, we are instantly captivated by these out-of-place objects, wondering when they sank and how they came to rest on the bottom.
Check out this great collection of wreck photos submitted by our readers in the 2014 Scuba Diving's "Through Your Lens" Photo Contest, and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below!
Ready to submit your photo for 2015? Visit the Photo Contest Submission page!
Photo titles and captions provided by the photographers.
Interested in viewing more Photo Contest galleries? Here are more great underwater photos:
• Scuba Diving Magazine's 2014 Photo Contest Winners
• Sneak Peek at the 2014 Through Your Lens Photo Contest
• 2014 Photo Contest: 20 Amazing Nudibranch Pictures
• Jaw-Dropping Shark Photos to Prepare for Shark Week
• Seahorse Central: 12 Amazing Photo Contest Submissions
• Cooky, Cool and Cute Crustaceans: A Photo Contest Gallery
• 40 Masters of Disguise from the 2014 Photo Contest
• Spotted: 23 Speckled Critters from the 2014 Photo Contest
• Rise of the Rays: 25 Amazing Photo Contest Entries
• 2014 Underwater Photography Contest: Eye See You!
• But First, Let Me Take a [Scuba] Selfie
• New Life: 19 Baby Underwater Creatures
• 2014 Photo Contest: 10 Incredible Photos of Whale Sharks

Alan Lo
The plane is resting in 45 feet (15 m) of water. The plane is upright, the starboard wing is bent downward at a 30-degree angle and the engine is broken off from the fuselage.

Petronel Miu
Giannis D Wreck - The mid section has collapsed, being made up of two holds, with the derrick and winches in the centre.

Peter de Maagt
A dive trip to the Red Sea would not be complete without a dive on the famous Thistlegorm wreck. The wreck is full of artefacts from the second world war. Diving inside the Thistlegorm you'll find BSA motorbikes, Morris automobiles, Bedford trucks, trailers and armoured cars. My dive buddy was admiring an BSA motorbike which is still in a pretty good shape.

Peter de Maagt
The Kittiwake wreck in the Grand Cayman is great for underwater photography. It is at a relatively shallow depth allowing ample time to take pictures. It also offers many different ways of capturing the wreck. One of the cargo bays offered the opportunity to take an underwater “split level”.

Wendy Wolf
While enjoying my first wreck dive, I spotted these divers enjoying the view from the bow of one of the ships found at The Steel Forest dive site off of Nassau, New Providence in The Bahamas.

Paul Cowell
A diver hovers over the Shangri-La wreck.

Bruno Van SaenDuring one of our early morning dives on the Charles Brown me and my wife were almost alone with this impressive wreck.

Cal Kothrade
The two masted wooden lake schooner Bermuda sank with a load of iron ore in 1870. Lying in less than 30 feet of Lake Superior water, she is popular with divers and glass bottom boat tourists as well. A diver explores the bow as the sun's rays dance on the deck.

Alex Suh
Diver inside wreck of the Alma Jane in Philippines.

Cal Kothrade
This popular shipwreck near Milwaukee WI, was a 135' wooden steamer that succumbed to a collision with ice in 1881. All souls survived the ordeal, and now the 165 foot deep hulk lies in two intact sections, with a collapsed middle. f/3.5, 1/15th sec, ISO1600, natural light. Canon T1-I, Ikelite housing, 10-22mm@10mm

Pedro Carrillo
A diver exploring a Japanese Zero fighter.

Scuba Diving is the complete source for the best in diving information. Get the latest in-depth information on destinations both near and far, reviews of must-have gear, breathtaking underwater photos, news on the latest technology, updates on environmental issues and more — all delivered right to your inbox!
Underwater wreck photos instill a sense of awe and mystery to the viewer, and they often have a strong attraction to scuba divers in particular. As we dive around and inside of a wreck, we are instantly captivated by these out-of-place objects, wondering when they sank and how they came to rest on the bottom.
Check out this great collection of wreck photos submitted by our readers in the 2014 Scuba Diving's "Through Your Lens" Photo Contest, and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments below!
Ready to submit your photo for 2015? Visit the Photo Contest Submission page!
Photo titles and captions provided by the photographers.
Interested in viewing more Photo Contest galleries? Here are more great underwater photos:
• Scuba Diving Magazine's 2014 Photo Contest Winners
• Sneak Peek at the 2014 Through Your Lens Photo Contest
• 2014 Photo Contest: 20 Amazing Nudibranch Pictures
• Jaw-Dropping Shark Photos to Prepare for Shark Week
• Seahorse Central: 12 Amazing Photo Contest Submissions
• Cooky, Cool and Cute Crustaceans: A Photo Contest Gallery
• 40 Masters of Disguise from the 2014 Photo Contest
• Spotted: 23 Speckled Critters from the 2014 Photo Contest
• Rise of the Rays: 25 Amazing Photo Contest Entries
• 2014 Underwater Photography Contest: Eye See You!
• But First, Let Me Take a [Scuba] Selfie
• New Life: 19 Baby Underwater Creatures
• 2014 Photo Contest: 10 Incredible Photos of Whale Sharks