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Ned and Anna DeLoach Pioneer Fish Identification and REEF Conservation

Ned and Anna DeLoach started the largest fish-sighting database in the world. Working with REEF, the photographers made giant strides protecting coral reef and fish species.

Gobies Respond to Coral Reef Distress Calls

Gobies come to the rescue when corals send out distress signals. Read about one Georgia Institute of Technology researcher’s findings about these tiny marine superheroes.

Critter Hunt: Yellownose Gobies are Christmas-Tree Thieves

Colorful Christmas tree worms can provide a meal ticket for yellownose gobies in the southern Caribbean.

Critter Hunt: Kidnapped!

Boxer crabs keep hostages to ensure dinner is promptly served.

Critter Hunt: Walking Coral

Have you ever seen a walking coral? Look out for these amazing and unique creatures if you're muck diving in Bali, especially on the black-sand bottom of Puri Jati.

Critter Hunt: Upside-Down Treasures

Have you ever seen a fish swim upside-down? Be on the lookout for tiny, colorful basslets swimming belly-up when you're wall diving in the Caribbean — especially in Little Cayman Island and southern Cuba. Want more Critter Hunt adventures? Go to

Critter Hunt: Caribbean Hideaway

The colors of a clown crab may scream, "Look at me!" but these little guys are hard to find on the reef. Here's where to look.

Critter Hunt: Redback Wrasse On Parade

Previously thought to exist only in Bermuda, the elusive redback is a wrasse of a different color. Ned and Anna DeLoach found this fascinating fish in Bonaire.

Critter Hunt: Lisa's Mantis Shrimp

Marine naturalists Ned and Anna DeLoach are on the hunt for Lisa's mantis shrimp in Bali, Indonesia.