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Contact Us

There are several ways you can contact us here at Scuba Diving magazine and

You can reach our editorial staff at [email protected].

You can also follow us on X, Instagram and Facebook

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If you are having issues with your subscription, or wish to unsubscribe, please email [email protected].

Have a Pitch? We are always accepting pitches. Please visit our How to Pitch to Scuba Diving Magazine page for more information.


Candice Landau, Content Director
[email protected]

Dave Carriere, Managing Editor
[email protected]

Robby Myers, ScubaLab Director
[email protected]

Ariella Simke, Senior Editor
[email protected]

Kristin Paterakis, Digital Content Manager
[email protected]

Joshua Pramis, Senior Editor

[email protected]

Art Team

Monica Medina, Senior Art Director
[email protected]

Toni Shelley, Graphic Designer
[email protected]

Sales and Advertising

To learn more about advertising with Scuba Diving magazine, please see our Advertise With Us page.

Jeff Mondle, Director, PADI Media
[email protected]

David Benz, Director, PADI Media
[email protected]

Linda Sue Dingel, Territory Manager
[email protected]


Kelly Williams, Director, Marketing & Operations [email protected]

Nushaw Ghofranian, Marketing Manager [email protected]

Ashley Briody, Marketing Campaign Manager [email protected]

Eba Diab, Marketing Campaign Manager [email protected]