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Orgcas: The Women Uniting to Save Sharks

The nonprofit Orgcas is making major strides in shark conservation through science, communication, education and local tourism with the help of local fishermen.

4 Best Scuba Diving Destinations in Peru

Peru's diverse marine life and growing diving industry offer unique experiences, from colorful reefs to sea turtles and sea lions along the coast.

Looking for Lost Sharks

Californian scientist David A. Ebert, an expert in searching for sharks considered extinct, explores the coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru in search of clues about the sharpfin houndshark (Triakis acutipinna), a shark species that has not been recorded for over 60 years.

What It's Like to Create an Underwater Museum in Minecraft

The Underwater Museum in Minecraft is a photography exhibition about the Peruvian Sea installed inside the videogame. The objective is to educate new generations about the great biodiversity of northern Peru through an immersive experience and thematic galleries.