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Training Articles

What It's Like to Be an Environmental Consultant

Becoming an environmental consultant is like getting paid to do what you're already doing—spreading the good word about going green. Here's what it's like to be one.

Manual vs. Electronic Closed Circuit Rebreathers: Which One Is Right for You?

Interested in learning more about rebreathers or hoping to make a decision? This short guide will help you understand the basic differences between mechanical and electronic closed-circuit rebreathers.

The Danger of Skipping Your Pre-Dive Valve Check

No amount of eagerness to dive should ever make you skip any pre-dive safety checks. Here's what happened to one diver who learned that lesson the hard way.

What It's Like to Be an Octopus Researcher

Octopuses are among the smartest animals in the ocean, and we still have a lot more to learn about them. Here's what a career studying cephalopods is like—and how to kickstart your own.

How Can I Detect and Stay Safe In Down-Currents?

Currents are found in all types of dive sites, and while common, they do require additional skills to manage. Here's how to prepare and learn how to enjoy the ride.

How Your Fitness Impacts Diving

Diving inherently requires some degree of fitness, but certain dives require more strength and stamina than others. Here's how staying fit can make you a better (and safer) diver.

What It's Like to Be a Scuba Instructor

The world would be a better place if we could all get paid to do what we love. Start your journey to becoming a certified scuba instructor, and you can do just that.

What Happens if You Miss a Decompression Stop?

Decompression stops are vital to diving, as they let nitrogen safely leave the body. Skipping one can cause serious health issues, like decompression sickness. Here's what to do if you miss one.

How Can I Afford Diving With Limited Funds?

Looking for ways to fund your favorite hobby? Our resident expert weighs in with creative ways to help make diving more affordable when money's tight.