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Lessons for Life

River Blindness

In the low visibility of a busy river channel, one diver loses his way and his life.

Speed Kills

In a hurry to be the first person on the wreck, an experienced diver makes a rookie mistake that costs him his life.

A Fatal Miscalculation

Bill ran the numbers and decided he could break one of tech diving's cardinal rules of safety. The numbers didn't lie, but they also didn't account for an unplanned emergency.

Twice the Tragedy

A series of avoidable mistakes claims the lives of two divers.

The School of Hard Knocks

A close call drills important safety lessons into the head of one lucky diver. Next time, he'll follow instructions. After reading his story, you will too.

Swimming Upstream

Ill-prepared for ocean currents, an out-of-shape diver panics with fatal results.

Out Of Their Depth

Two divers follow a divemaster beyond the level of their training. Only one comes back.

The Unmanned Dive Boat

Two lobster divers ascend from a dive to find their boat is nowhere in sight.

Broken Rules, Bent Diver

A technical buddy team ignores their training, and one diver pays the price.