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Video: Night Diving With Manta Rays in Kona, Hawaii

By Scuba Diving Editors | Published On July 13, 2016
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Video: Night Diving With Manta Rays in Kona, Hawaii

Meet Your Manta

Kona's famed Manta Night Dive is the mother of all night dives. Divers are arrayed in a circle at Garden Eel Cove and off Kona's Keauhou Sheraton pretty much every evening, lights pointed skyward, with additional banks of overhead lights supplied by operators. Mantas come swooping in, standing on their heads — and yours — in an explosive sensory overload. The key? The lights. The better the light, the more plankton is attracted, and the more manta action for that diver. Learn more about Kona scuba diving aboard Aggressor Fleet's Kona Aggressor II. For more, check out Jack's Diving Locker and Kona Honu Divers.

Video: Mary Frances Emmons Editing: Chris Balogh