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Solo Scuba Diving: How To Safely Dive Alone and Expert Tips

Want to scuba dive without a buddy? In addition to getting the proper training and scuba gear, here are some tips to help you dive solo like a pro.

Find the Right Fin for your Kicking and Diving Style

Choosing the right fins can help improve your kicking style as well as keep you from getting cramps and fatigued underwater.

Fin Kick Techniques: Tips, Tricks and Advice for Scuba Divers

Fin technique is an often overlooked but crucially important part of diving — here are some important tips to improve your diving and stop leg cramping.

Best Night Diving Destinations From Around the World

At night, the wondrous creatures that hide during the day come alive from sharks and octopuses to ghostly glowing plankton.

Local Tips for Scuba Diving the Oriskany Shipwreck in Pensacola, Florida

Using a map from ArtToMedia, we bring you the best dive profiles for penetrating the Mighty Oriskany shipwreck and tips for exploring the ship safely.

Joe Weatherby Sinks Ships and Transforms them into Thriving Marine Ecosystems

President of Artificial Reefs International Joe Weatherby has been sinking ships like the Vandenberg in Key West for years. Find out why and how he does it!

Best Freediving Training Destinations

Freediving in Florida, Hawaii, Grand Cayman, and the Red Sea are some of the best locations to train at.

Must Have Gear for Cold-Water Diving

Want to add some extra warmth on your next cold-water dive? This heated undergarment from Thermalution is exactly what you need to keep you toasty.

Dive Hacks: What You Need To Know About Diving in Cold Water

Don't let the cold water keep you from an epic dive — here is some expert advice for diving like a polar bear.