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Video: End the War on Sharks

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On November 14, 2014
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Video: End the War on Sharks

As divers, we know how important these apex predators are to our marine ecosystem. Yet every year, humans kill millions of sharks — often for their fins. This powerful video will give you facts on why we all need to work together and save our sharks, before it's too late.

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End the War on Sharks from Blue Sphere Media on Vimeo.

As divers, we know how important these apex predators are to our marine ecosystem. Yet every year, humans kill millions of sharks — often for their fins. This powerful video will give you facts on why we all need to work together and save our sharks, before it's too late.

More Scuba Diving Videos:

Whale Shark Feeding Frenzy | Skydive to Scuba Dive?! | Spotted: Rare White Orca Whale