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Top Ten Ways to Pass the Time on a Deco Stop

By Scuba Diving Partner | Updated On January 30, 2017
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Top Ten Ways to Pass the Time on a Deco Stop

10) See who can maintain the lotus position the longest.
Shera of London, England

9) Stare down a barracuda to see who blinks first.
Jay Jeter of Austin, Texas

8) Bang on your tank, and then act like it wasn't you when your buddy turns around.
Stephen Cumberworth of Oklahoma City, Okla.

7) Play dodge spear.
Matt Shanley of New York, N.Y.

6) Evacuate bladder.
Philip Lewin of the Quarry, Ohio

5) Play spin the stage bottle.
Carl Van Horn of San Francisco, Calif.

4) Find out how far you can turn your buddy's tank valve before he notices that something is wrong.
Jayson Stoffman of Winnipeg, Manitoba

3) Play rock, paper, scissors to see who's buying the first round at the pool bar.
Dave Reser of Bristol, Ind.

2) Make balloon animals with your safety sausage.
Archie Ammons of College Station, Texas

1) Count resort course divers as they fly past.
Steve Houwen of Denver, Colo.

10) See who can maintain the lotus position the longest.
Shera of London, England

9) Stare down a barracuda to see who blinks first.
Jay Jeter of Austin, Texas

8) Bang on your tank, and then act like it wasn't you when your buddy turns around.
Stephen Cumberworth of Oklahoma City, Okla.

7) Play dodge spear.
Matt Shanley of New York, N.Y.

6) Evacuate bladder.
Philip Lewin of the Quarry, Ohio

5) Play spin the stage bottle.
Carl Van Horn of San Francisco, Calif.

4) Find out how far you can turn your buddy's tank valve before he notices that something is wrong.
Jayson Stoffman of Winnipeg, Manitoba

3) Play rock, paper, scissors to see who's buying the first round at the pool bar.
Dave Reser of Bristol, Ind.

2) Make balloon animals with your safety sausage.
Archie Ammons of College Station, Texas

1) Count resort course divers as they fly past.
Steve Houwen of Denver, Colo.