Discovery Channel's Shark Week Links We Like
Duuuun-dun. Duuuun-dun. Here comes Shark Week! The Discovery Channel's Shark Week is an annual August event that shark lovers crave. Ahead of this year's Shark Week festivities, we've pulled together a collection of shark videos and other cool shark stuff from Scuba Diving and our partner sites, including:
- Above, check out a photo gallery of cage diving with great white sharks off Guadalupe Island, Mexico. [Scuba Diving]
- A spectacular video of a mako shark hooked by a fly fisherman. [Field and Stream]
- Up close and personal - cage diving with Great White Sharks [Sport Diver]
- Underwater photographers filming a blue marlin get the shark shock of a lifetime [Salt Water Sportsman]
- Cyclops shark found in Mexico [Outdoor Life]
- What it's like to care for a great white shark [Scuba Diving]
- Bull sharks invade Australian golf course [Outdoor Life]
- Be careful reaching for that fish! [Sport Fishing]
- A shark eats a shark [Popular Science]
- Andy Dehart, shark wrangler for Shark Week [Sport Diver]
- Funny video: Teens freak out when monster shark eats their catch [Outdoor Life]
- The truth about Caribbean sharks [Caribbean Travel + Life]
- 4 great places for great white shark encounters [Scuba Diving]
- Chasing down shark poachers in Raja Ampat, Indonesia [Sport Diver]
- Dumb move of the week: Kiwi angler surfs on dead shark [Outdoor Life]

Josh CortopassiA large great white opens its huge jaws to take the baited line tossed out by the Solmar V's shark wranglers.

Josh CortopassiIn a single bite, a great white devours the tuna-head bait just a few feet from the caged divers.

Josh CortopassiThe great white shark has a distinctive, large, conical snout.

Josh CortopassiWith blood in the water and the wranglers offering tempting tuna-head treats, the first great whites arrive on the scene from out of the deep blue.

Josh CortopassiWhen viewed up close in their natural element, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that great whites are the ultimate example of a perfect predator.

Josh CortopassiAlthough great whites are typically solitary animals, they frequently gather together in large numbers to feast on the large population of seals that inhabit Guadalupe Island.

Josh CortopassiIn a perfectly timed ambush, a great white charges vertically up from the depths to nab its prey — only this time, it's not a seal, but a line baited with fish.

Josh CortopassiDisplaying its perfect hydrodynamic shape, a white shark glides back into the water like a torpedo after breaching the surface in pursuit of the bait.

Josh CortopassiThe intimidating display of a great white shark in full-on attack mode.

Josh CortopassiA great white shark keeps a watchful gaze on the divers in the cage. Are you ready to make eye contact with the ocean's leading predator?

Josh CortopassiAlthough it's not quite the same grade — or parts — of fish used in your local sushi joint, great whites are some of the world's biggest fans of spicy tuna.

Josh CortopassiA "shark wrangler" aboard the Solmar V tosses out a specially prepared tuna-head lasso that, when combined with a slick of chum, attracts the local white sharks like a dinner bell.

Josh CortopassiLike the fictional Skull Island from King Kong, Isla Guadalupe's rocky shores rise ominously from a isolated patch of ocean, shrouded in a gloomy mist. Unlike Skull Island, however, the creatures that exist at Guadalupe are real.

Josh CortopassiThe live-aboard Solmar V docked in Ensenada, Mexico, ready to make the journey west to the white shark haven of Guadalupe Island.
Duuuun-dun. Duuuun-dun. Here comes Shark Week! The Discovery Channel's Shark Week is an annual August event that shark lovers crave. Ahead of this year's Shark Week festivities, we've pulled together a collection of shark videos and other cool shark stuff from Scuba Diving and our partner sites, including:
- Above, check out a photo gallery of cage diving with great white sharks off Guadalupe Island, Mexico. [Scuba Diving]
- A spectacular video of a mako shark hooked by a fly fisherman. [Field and Stream]
- Up close and personal - cage diving with Great White Sharks [Sport Diver]
- Underwater photographers filming a blue marlin get the shark shock of a lifetime [Salt Water Sportsman]
- Cyclops shark found in Mexico [Outdoor Life]
- What it's like to care for a great white shark [Scuba Diving]
- Bull sharks invade Australian golf course [Outdoor Life]
- Be careful reaching for that fish! [Sport Fishing]
- A shark eats a shark [Popular Science]
- Andy Dehart, shark wrangler for Shark Week [Sport Diver]
- Funny video: Teens freak out when monster shark eats their catch [Outdoor Life]
- The truth about Caribbean sharks [Caribbean Travel + Life]
- 4 great places for great white shark encounters [Scuba Diving]
- Chasing down shark poachers in Raja Ampat, Indonesia [Sport Diver]
- Dumb move of the week: Kiwi angler surfs on dead shark [Outdoor Life]