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WATCH: Friendly Dolphin Puts on Show for Lucky Divers

“I knew this one would be special the second I saw the dolphin nearby in the water.”
By Melissa Smith | Published On July 18, 2021
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WATCH: Friendly Dolphin Puts on Show for Lucky Divers

It’s not every dive you have an encounter that will stick with you for a lifetime. But this is exactly what a fortunate group of divers in the Bahamas recently experienced when a playful wild dolphin gave them a dazzling show.

The footage, filmed by Bostonian Michael Aery, 60, shows a dolphin doing flips and turns among the divers.

Aery says in a Facebook post that the young male dolphin followed their boat out to the Twin Peaks dive site off San Salvador, Bahamas. Aery was the first diver to hit the water and the dolphin spent the whole dive interacting with him.

In an interview with CNN Arabic, Aery describes the experience: “At first, the dolphin was so excited, swimming around so fast that I could barely keep it in the shot. But after a while, it calmed down and started swimming lazily and showing me its belly. It didn’t last long, because soon it started spinning fast again.”

It will certainly be a dive to remember, although Aery is no stranger to marine animal encounters.

“I have always had a passion for travel, so diving is perfect for me. I've encountered animals from sea lions to giant mantras and several species of sharks, but I knew this one would be special the second I saw the dolphin nearby in the water,” Aery tells the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “I couldn't believe I managed to capture the incredible experience on video.”