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Look: Nocturnal Stargazer

By Alex Tyrrell | Published On April 9, 2015
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Look: Nocturnal Stargazer

Nocturnal Stargazer

Alex Tyrrell


LOCATION: Sabang Bay, Philippines

ABOUT THE SHOT: The nocturnal reticulate stargazer buries itself in the sand, with only its face protruding, waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim overhead. To get the shot, I used a Nikon D200 in a Subal housing, 60mm Nikkor lens at f/22, 1/250 sec, ISO 100, and an Inon Z240 strobe with snoot to illuminate the stargazer’s camouflaged face, making it stand out from the surrounding sand.

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Alex Tyrrell


LOCATION: Sabang Bay, Philippines

ABOUT THE SHOT: The nocturnal reticulate stargazer buries itself in the sand, with only its face protruding, waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim overhead. To get the shot, I used a Nikon D200 in a Subal housing, 60mm Nikkor lens at f/22, 1/250 sec, ISO 100, and an Inon Z240 strobe with snoot to illuminate the stargazer’s camouflaged face, making it stand out from the surrounding sand.

GO NOW: Atlantis Dive Resort

Want More Neat Photos?

From underwater engagements to fashion photos, check out Whimsical Wonderland: A Gallery of Underwater Models.

Looking for a taste of the Philippines? Click through these 23 Amazing Underwater Photos.